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Friday, December 17, 2010

Health Is Wealth

Health Is Wealth


Improve your health and enhance your life through a natural innovative approach to nutrition.

It’s time to go beyond outdated recommendations to give our bodies the nutrients they really need.

In today’s fast-paced world, our lives are more stressful than ever before. Our need for nutrition has never been greater, yet the foods and dietary choices available to us have never been more lacking. Our bodies are simply not getting the nutrients they need, resulting in deficiencies that snowball into diseases and chronic medical conditions. Food alone can no longer fill the nutritional gaps.

The good news is that disease and dysfunction are entirely reversible and preventable. Nutrition, not medication, is the key. Health is Wealth explains how supplementing our diets with 10 Power Nutrients can help us regain our natural vitality, live a healthier life, and enjoy peak functioning of both body and mind.


How much are your health and lifestyle choices really costing you?

Medical expenses can be crippling, which is why maintaining optimal health is one of the best ways to protect and even improve your financial well-being. Health is Wealth explains scientifically-based innovations in the field of nutrition that empower you to take control of your overall wellness and reduce your risk of developing costly, chronic conditions. In Health is Wealth, you’ll learn how the same principles you use to build your nest egg – compounded interest on small deposits made over time – can help you achieve and main peak health.

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